2021 will begin CCAC exhibits again!

It has been a very different and difficult year in 2020. All of us have had to cope with much of our daily routine and relationship with our community in a very different way due to the pandemic. But now it is 2021, and we all need creative inspiration and support more than ever.

The CCAC Station Gallery plans to begin the exhibit year in May, and continue with scheduled opportunities till the end of the year. As we still don’t know when immunizations and normal schedules will be part of our lives, the exhibits will be shown in either a virtual way on our website, or as a physical exhibit in the gallery - depending on the current status of pandemic regulations.

We will have two OPEN CALL opportunities for artists to enter their works, one being the Regional Photo Exhibit and the other our Regional 2D3D exhibit. The Call for Entries rules will be coming soon!

We will also offer several Invitation Artist exhibits to share wonderful works curated into themed shows, some of which also will support workshop experiences. As we have offered some workshops online this past year, we are ready to offer those again if we cannot be in the gallery space together.

We can’t wait to see what you have been creating, and want to fill you with hope for more cultural opportunities to expand your horizons. Please donate, and/or join or renew your membership to make sure the Clinton County Arts Council and Station Gallery continue to bring this community the best of the arts!

Be well, stay safe, be creative!


CCAC President

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